Thursday, 7 February 2013

Selectors (Nitesh Kumar)

•Select elements to apply a declared style.

•Selector types:

–Element Selectors: selects allelements of a specific type (<body>, <h1>, <p>, etc.)
–Class Selectors: selects allelements that belong to a given class.
 –ID Selectors: selects a singleelement that’s been given a unique id.
–Pseudo Selectors: combines a selector with a user activated state(:hover, :link, :visited)

CSS Syntax (Nitesh Kumar)

Nitesh Kumar

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Nitesh Kumar A Web Designer (5 Photos)

Nitesh Kumar A Website designer and now he is a web developer and bloger ..and his power key skils is a photoshop dreamweaver flash html css and much more..

Why CSS? (Nitesh Kumar)

 •Allows for much richer document appearancesthan HTML.
•Reduce workloadby centralizing commands for visual appearance instead of scattered throughout the HTML doc.
•Use same style on multiple pages.
•Reduce page download size.

Use HTML for content; CSS for Presentation.